Bubble Week

March 20 to 26, 2009, is "National Bubble Week" the week for kids of all ages to celebrate the fun and enchantment of bubbles.

''Bubblebrations,'' celebrating this wonderful week, take place across the country.
I'll add items as I become aware of them. Please send email about yours.

2009 Bubble Week events

Ultimate Gazillion Bubbles Photo Contest
February 20th, 2009 through July 20th, 2009

See contest rules and upload your best photos
for your chance to win at

* Four Monthly Winners will be awarded a $250 Target gift card
* Grand Prize Winner will be awarded a $1,000 Target gift card
* ALL WINNERS will receive a "Summer Fun Package" filled
with Gazillion Bubble Products

****Send information on Bubble Week events that are open to the public****
Bubble Blowers, so they can be added to a calendar.

Bubble Week e-Cards

History of National Bubble Week

The first-ever Bubble Week was in the year 2000 and was initiated by Oddzon, makers of Koosh Bubbles. Their press release said, "The grassroots 'bubblebration,' to be inaugurated through events in markets around the country, was created to herald the first day of spring -- the unspoken first day of the bubble-blowing season."

Below is a picture of the bubble kit mailer that was sent to encourage on-air weathermen to blow bubbles on the first day of spring. This advertising campaign allowed Koosh to launch National Bubble Week and create on-air "bubblebrations" on the major network morning news shows and in over 100 markets across the country. The campaign was developed by the Gertler Group and Litzky Public Relations.

Bubble Week kit


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